Ahmed Baba Institute Library

The new Ahmed Baba Institute of Higher Islamic Studies and Research, completed in 2009, introduces state-of-the-art techniques for conserving, exhibiting, and studying these famous Timbuktu manuscripts. dhk Architects of Cape Town designed phase one of the $8.36 million, 50,000-square-foot Institute, creating an archive of 20,000 manuscripts and a public library with reference materials on the culture of the region.

Andre Spies, the project architect for dhk, designed the institute and now heads his own practice in Cape Town called twothink architecture, which completed phase two — fitting out the interiors. To respect the vernacular architecture of the region, Spies chose to build primarily with mud, which requires maintenance after the annual rains. He found a local mason who mixed mud with concrete to make the facade rain-repellent, and he purchased mud bricks from craftsmen on the streets.

The introduction of a new building is challenging in the low-tech, mud-built setting of Timbuktu. Albakaye Ousmane Kounta, the Malian writer, poet, and storyteller, criticizes the building as “too modern.” Whereas fortresslike walls concealed the internal configuration of the former institute, the new one blurs inside and out with outdoor hallways arrayed along a “free plan.” This modern approach is uncommon in West Africa, where public and private spaces are strictly demarcated to keep out sand, roving donkeys, and itinerant people. The new design encourages access and openness, but it has drawbacks as well. In addition, some spaces — such as the auditorium — have rigid functions not easily adapted to other uses.

Read more at Architectural Record

Dwelling in Beja

The Dwelling in Beja is a single-family dwelling built of rammed earth and a mixed structure of reinforced concrete and wood with zinc coping. Self-levelling floors of craftwork brick tiles, wood. Traditional render of aerated lime paste and whitewash with the addition of natural pigments. Betão e Taipa was responsible for the entire construction.

Building Stats
Building area 550 m2
Volume of rammed earth 260 m3
Location Beja municipality
Designed by Bartolomeu Costa Cabral, João Gomes and Mário Anselmo Crespo
Date built 2006

Building with Earth

Building with Earth
From Cultural Heritage to Contemporary Architecture
Professionals, Know-how and Techniques in Europe

On Wednesday, 4 and Thursday, May 5th, 2011, in Marseille (France)
Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
Chamber of the Hotel of Region
(27, Place Jules Guesde – Marseille 2nd)

This symposium is organized by the Ecole d’Avignon and ICOMOS France, in partnership with the Escola Superior Gallaecia (PT), the Polytechnic University of Valencia (SP), the University of Florence (IT) and the Adviser in Architecture, Urban planning and Environment (CAUE) of Vaucluse (FR), in the framework of the European project Terra Incognita. Earthen architecture in Europe (Culture Programme 2007-2013). It receives the assistance of the Research Laboratory for Historical Monuments (LRMH) and the collaboration of the Confederation of artisans and small companies in the building trade (CAPEB).

We invite you to consult the programme of these days (see attached) and send your registration form before April 22, 2011, to Ms. Victoire DORISE, responsible for coordinating registration (icomos.france@wanadoo.fr or fax: +33 (0)1 47 55 19 61).

The publications which will be presented at the occasion of the symposium are available to order. You can reserve them from now on by returning us the order form attached.

For more information, we suggest visiting the web page of the symposium.

In the continuity of this event, you’re invited to participate to an important meeting dedicated to the launching of an European network for earthen architecture. This meeting is open to all individuals and institutions interested in the field and will be held on Friday, May 6th (10:00 am – 01:00 pm), at the Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (on registration, within the limits of the available places).

Looking forward to meeting you in Marseille,

Yours faithfully,

Michel VAUZELLE, President of the Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur,
Pierre-Antoine GATIER, President of ICOMOS France,
Patrice MOROT-SIR, Directeur de l’Ecole d’Avignon,
Isabelle PALLOT-FROSSARD, Director of the Research Laboratory for Historical Monuments (LRMH).

For more information download:
EA TI COLL PROGR 2011 EN_Mise en page 1.pdf
Fiche inscription EN.doc
Kit Publications_EN.pdf


TECNOTIERRA COLOMBIA, entidad colombiana desea difundir este evento para el mes de marzo….se esta promoviendo un taller practico integral de arquitectura sostenible con tierra, el taller esta dirigido a todo tipo de publico interesado en aportar al habitar el planeta y construir su hábitat de una forma ecológica y respetuosa con la naturaleza, aminorando el gasto energético de los materiales…en esta experiencia realizaremos la transferencia tecnológica con tres sistemas constructivos. El taller se programo dos fines de semana, 6 días y 48 horas de vivencia practica.

Para mayor información pueden escribirnos y desde allí se les entregara
mayor ilustración con la preinscripción en el correo electrónico

tallerarquitecturatierra@gmail.com, esperamos nos demuestre su intéres y
les haremos llegar todo el contenido del proyecto, el cupo es limitado…

Como sabemos que cada uno de ustedes tiene su red de conocidos, que les
puede interesar el tema les pedimos el favor de colectivizar esta
información y esperamos que cada vez seamos mas profesionales, personas
interesadas y con herramientas para hacer una arquitectura mas respetuosa
con el medio ambiente…..


Comite organizador y Arq. LUCIA E. GARZON


Celular 57 3102450630

International Rammed Earth Workshop

On the 7th, 8th & 9th April, 2011 again is a time when we would expect you all to participate in ‘International Rammed Earth Workshop’. Austrian resident DI Hanno Burtscher has been especially invited to pass on his knowledge of rammed earth. You can read more about him, the modules and topic at www.prithwe.com There would be different approach to earth as building material, all the people associated with building material, architects and engineers, nature enthusiasts, clay&ceramic designers, interior designers, permaculture/organic farmers & all others who love nature must come forward and utilize this opportunity to know the mother earth

Other important details:
Workshop Venue: 1 Middle Road, off Napier Road, camp, Pune
Timing: 9am to 5pm
Course Fee: Rs 5999/- 140USD for all 3 days.
Breakfast & Lunch included..

Please write to us for more details. ( visa and staying facility for international & outstation candidates can be organized separately on request)

Bharti ( prithwe@hotmail.com)
Prithwe Institute of Building Biology & Ecology
Tel.: 020-26354487 / 020-26343566

US/China Workshop on Earth Based Materials and Sustainable Structures & Forum on Hakka Rammed Earth Buildings (Tulou)’ 2011

The West Virginia University Constructed Facilities Center, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA and Xiamen University Department of Civil Engineering, Xiamen, Fujian, China, in conjunction with the International Symposium on Innovation & Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering (ISISS’2011), is pleased to host the US/China Workshop on Earth Based Materials and Sustainable Structures & Forum on Hakka Rammed Earth Buildings (Tulou)’ 2011. The workshop will take place October 28 -30, 2011 at Xiamen University in Xiamen, China.

Thru the proposed workshop, the organizers would like to bring together researchers from the USA and China along with invited participants from Australia, Canada, Japan and UK to conduct a joint workshop at XMU on research potential of earth based materials and sustainable structures. The objectives of the proposed workshop will be: 1) to exchange success stories and lessons learned from the use of rammed earth as a structural material and construction technique for sustainable structures, including review of current rammed earth construction specifications and standards, 2) to address challenges and strategies for advancing the use of earth based structural materials in modern construction, 3) to establish a network of professionals to catalyze collaborative research, development and implementation including international partnerships, and 4) to develop joint R&D programs with emphasis on utilization of rammed earth material in modern construction by minimizing embodied energy. In addition, the workshop participants will have opportunity to witness the sustainability of World Heritage Hakka (ancient) village in-service and learn a few exemplary lessons potentially leading to modifications in contemporary construction techniques.

For more information on the worshop and forum events visit http://www2.cemr.wvu.edu/~rliang/ihta/forum2011.htm. More information on the International Hakka Tulou Alliance (IHTA) can be found by visiting http://www2.cemr.wvu.edu/~rliang/ihta.htm. Additional information can be obtained by contacting the Workshop Organizer: Dr. Ruifeng (Ray) Liang, rliang@mail.wvu.edu, (304) 293 9348