L’Association Nationale des Professionnels de la TERRE Crue fédère les acteurs et actrices de la construction en terre crue en France. Elle regroupe des artisans et des chefs d’entreprise, des producteurs de matériaux, des architectes, des ingénieurs, et des organismes de formation professionnelle. Elle accueille aussi des représentants d’organismes régionaux (parcs…) ou d’autres associations développant des activités dans le domaine de l’architecture de terre (valorisation des patrimoines nationaux, architecture contemporaine, recherche sur les matériaux et les techniques…).
United Bottle
The Zürich based architecture office INSTANT (Dirk Hebel & Jörg Stollmann with Tobias Klauser) has designed a water bottle that can be recycled and filled with local soil and stacked to form temporary shelter. The concept, called UNITED_BOTTLE can be used by Governments and NGOs to distribute water locally and regionally and be able to upcycle the bottle as a building material in combination with found materials such as sand, earth and natural insulation materials such as animal hair. The simple water bottle would operate as a container for the awareness of the next crisis.
The Palomares of Spain
In Spain, traditional palomares, or dove-cotes, constructed of mud brick or rammed earth dot the landscape. To see them, you can take La Ruta de los Palomares or any of several other routes. Some are falling into disrepair and others are being restored. Inside are fascinating spaces that house doves. More can be read about these fascinating structures here: [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 ].
See more images [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]
The Citizens’ Initiative Pavilion
The Citizens’ Initiative Pavilion, known as El Faro, is the work of architect Ricardo Higueras. Designed to be constructed for the Expo Zaragoza 2008 the pavilion is to represent society’s vigour and ability to innovate in the face of the challenges posed by water.
The section gives information on the Pavilion’s onsite location, its spaces and building features. Inspired by traditional ceramics, the pavillion will be constructed with natural materials like bamboo and mud mixed with straw.
Mud: Building Block of the Future
At the vanguard of efforts to revolutionise the way we build our homes are scientists who are taking their cues from the methods of the past to make mud the building block of the future.
uni-terra is a networking platform for the global exchange of information, experience and know-how in earth architecture and building with earth at an academic level. Its aim is to promote knowledge transfer between academics and practitioners alike, to support the development of expertise in the field and to ensure its long-term sustainability for future generations. uni-terra is an initiative by the Dachverband Lehm e.V.
6th International Photography Competition on Earthen Architecture
Il Centro di Documentazione sulle Case di Terra del Comune di Casalincontrada with the l’Associazione Terrae Onlus and the Fotoclub Chieti promotes the 6th International Photo Competition of Works of Earthen Architecture.
Building With Clay Workshop in Poland
A Natural House – Building with Clay Skill Building Workshop in Poland with Architect Wojciech Brzeski will take place on 3rd June and 9th June 2007. During the five-day workshop, one will learn the techniques of sustainable clay building. Mr Brzeski has been building houses with clay for over 25 years and as the need for sustainable and environmentally friendly methods of building becomes more and more important this is an invaluable opportunity to work with an experienced architect to learn the techniques of this traditional craft. The anticipated costs including flight, accommodation and workshops are £570. For more information email: thenaturalhouse@gmail.com
5º Seminário de Arquitectura de Terra em Portugal
A UA / Universidade de Aveiro, a ESG / Escola Superior Gallaecia, a FCO / Fundação Convento da Orada e a Cdt / Associação Centro da Terra são os organizadores e anfitriões do 5º Seminário de Arquitectura de Terra em Portugal (V ATP), que se realizará de 10 a 13 de Outubro 2007, na Universidade de Aveiro, em Portugal. Criado em 2003, o seminário Arquitectura de Terra em Portugal tem evoluído de uma forma crescente com a ampla adesão de profissionais ibero-americanos e europeus.
5o Seminario Arquitectura de Terra em Portugal
The Fifth Annual Conference of Earthen Architecture in Portugal will take place October 10-13, 2007 at the University de Aveiro in Portugal. For more information, download the conference brief (Portugues Language).