Building With Earth

Building with Earth by John Norton provides practical help in choosing whether and how to build with earth, from soil selection through to construction and maintenance. The techniques described in the second edition – revised and updated – of this book have a focus on achieving good quality results with accessible methods, that can go on being used by rich and poor, and for simple buildings as well as the more sophisticated.

Mud Brick Industry In India

Approximately 58% of all buildings in India are mud brick and a growing construction boom in India, coupled the inability for peasants to support themselves by farming is luring residents from the country side into the brick making business. However, hand made mud bricks are now often dried and fired in inefficient coal fueled kilns that make the work dangerous and pollute the environment consuming 200 tons of coal for every million bricks they produce. NY Times

Photo by J. Adam Huggins for The New York Times

Building With Clay Workshop in Poland

A Natural House – Building with Clay Skill Building Workshop in Poland with Architect Wojciech Brzeski will take place on 3rd June and 9th June 2007. During the five-day workshop, one will learn the techniques of sustainable clay building. Mr Brzeski has been building houses with clay for over 25 years and as the need for sustainable and environmentally friendly methods of building becomes more and more important this is an invaluable opportunity to work with an experienced architect to learn the techniques of this traditional craft. The anticipated costs including flight, accommodation and workshops are £570. For more information email:

Sea, Sand and Mud

An interesting building material production technique is outlined in a recent article by the BBC which suggests a Russian technique for manufacturing building blocks out of sand and seawater. The article also notes that unfired mud brick (adobe) technology has taken off in the US, dispensing with the energy used in firing traditional clay bricks.

5º Seminário de Arquitectura de Terra em Portugal

A UA / Universidade de Aveiro, a ESG / Escola Superior Gallaecia, a FCO / Fundação Convento da Orada e a Cdt / Associação Centro da Terra são os organizadores e anfitriões do 5º Seminário de Arquitectura de Terra em Portugal (V ATP), que se realizará de 10 a 13 de Outubro 2007, na Universidade de Aveiro, em Portugal. Criado em 2003, o seminário Arquitectura de Terra em Portugal tem evoluído de uma forma crescente com a ampla adesão de profissionais ibero-americanos e europeus.