Rammed Earth From the University of Utah


University of Utah architecture graduate students, under the direction of Adjunct Architecture Professor Hank Louis, built a new home for Rosie Joe and her family in Bluff, Utah, a small town located in the San Juan River Valley. The rammed earth house will be dedicated in a Navajo ceremony on Sunday, July 18, at noon. The architecture work with the American Indians in San Juan County is part of the College of Architecture + Planning’s Design Build Studio. Photo courtesy of College of Architecture + Planning. [via]


El Centro Regional de Investigaciones de Arquitectura de Tierra Cruda – CRIATiC – de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán organiza el III SIACOT a realizarse entre los días 27 de setiembre al 02 de octubre de 2004.

El mismo, denominado “La Tierra Cruda en la Construcción del Hábitat” se estructura según el siguiente formato:

– Conferencias a cargo de reconocidos expertos internacionales
– Presentación de ponencias
– Muestra: exhibición de posters

Complementariamente al seminario, se prevé un viaje los días 01 y 02 de octubre para visitar las construcciones tradicionales y modernas de tierra en los Valles Calchaquíes (actividad optativa).

Tanto las ponencias como los posters deberán responder a alguna de las siguientes líneas temáticas:

– Conceptualización y estado del arte de la arquitectura con tierra
– La educación y la capacitación sobre arquitectura de tierra
– Conservación del patrimonio construido en tierra: investigación – estudio y difusión
– Arquitectura de tierra: medio ambiente y sustentabilidad
– Arquitectura de tierra y tecnología
– El problema sísmico en las construcciones con tierra
– Proyectos ejemplares de arquitectura de tierra: evaluación post-uso

Le invitamos a participar, enviando un resumen de su ponencia hasta el día 05 de julio de 2004 con el siguiente formato:

– Redacción: en texto Word para Windows; letra arial 11 puntos, simple espacio
– Extensión: 300 palabras (máximo)
– Título: al comienzo, centrado con letra 11 puntos en negritas y mayúsculas
– Autor: inmediatamente después del título, centrado con letra 10 puntos, negritas y mayúsculas y minúsculas. Después del nombre del autor, como pié de página indicada con un aterisco, se incluirá el CV, de entre 4 y 6 renglones, con letra arial 8 puntos. Deberá incluir dirección electrónica y teléfono; situación académica o laboral y nombre de la institución en la que se desempeña Los trabajos serán sometidos a consideración de un comité editorial, el que podrá solicitar aclaraciones o modificaciones de los originales presentados, previo a su aceptación y publicación en la memoria el seminario.

En una próxima comunicación, remitiremos junto con el formulario de preinscripción, toda la información relativa a la forma, contenido, extensión y plazos de envío de los trabajos in extenso que deberá ser entregado hasta el 27 de agosto.

Ing. Lucía E. Arias
Comisión Organizadora

Tel. 0054- 381-4364093 (int.123 / 133)
Fax 0054 381 4364141 CRIATiC
Correo electrónico: gtt@herrera.unt.edu.ar , criatic@yahoo.com

CRIATiC – Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo –
Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo – Universidad Nacional de Tucumán


The Second Annual Adobe Conference held in El Rito, NM May 21, 22, 23, announces the conference schedule:

Registration, Dorm and Meal Tickets 11:00AM to 1:30PM, Friday, May 21, 2004

Session I, Friday 1:30 to 4:30 PM
1:30 to 2:00 John Morony
2:00 to 2:30 Luis Fernando Guerrero B. and Francisco Uvina C.
2:30 to 3:00 Simone Swan
3:00 to 3:30 Quentin Wilson
3:30 to 4:00 Dean Sherwin
4:00 to 4:30 Reid Hayashi and Kristina Orchard-Hayes
Cafeteria Open Friday, 5:00 to 6:00PM
Adobe Association Meeting: Election of Board Members 6:30 to 7:00PM
Social Hour, Friday, 7:00 to 9:00PM
Steve Burroughs and Quentin Wilson videos/slides will run in the background.

Cafeteria Open for Breakfast Saturday, 7:30 to 8:30AM
Session II, Saturday, 9:30AM to 12:00M
9:30 to 10:00 Anita Otilia Rodriguez
10:00 to 10:30 Mohamoud Ahmed Eissa
10:30 to 11:00 Pat Frazier
11:00 to 11:30 Richard Burt and Charles Graham
11:30 to 12:00 Mel Medina
Cafeteria Open for Lunch Saturday, 12:00M to 1:00PM
Tour, Saturday, 1:30 to 5:00PM
1:30 to 2:30 Dar al Islam Mosque in Abiquiu
2:30 to 3:00 Abiquiu Plaza, Church and Morada
3:00 to 4:00 Pat Frazier Project
4:00 to 5:00 Mark Chalom Project, the Prisciantelli House
Cafeteria Open for Dinner Saturday, 5:00 to 6:00PM
Membership Meeting: Election of Board of Directors, Apprv Constitn, 6:30 to 7:00

Session III, Saturday, 7:00 to 9:00 PM
7:00 to 7:30 Mark Chalom
7:30 to 8:00 Barbara Narici
8:00 to 8:30 Susan Jerome
8:30 to 9:00 Adel Fahmy
Cafeteria Open for Breakfast Sunday, 7:30 to 8:30AM

Session IV, Sunday, 9:30AM to 12M
9:30 to 10:00 Steve Safken
10:00 to 10:30 Arnie Valdez
10:30 to 11:00 Mack Caldwell
11:00 to 11:30 Steve Burroughs
11:30 to 12:00 Jorge Calderon T.
Cafeteria Open for Lunch Sunday, 12:00M to 1:00PM
AASW Board of Directors Meeting, 1:30 to 2:30PM

LEHM 2004 Conference Program

Dachverband Lehm e.V. announces the LEHM 2004 conference program.

Friday, 29.10.2004 9 a.m.- 6 p.m.

Opening address:

Dr. Horst Schroeder, Chairman of the Dachverband Lehm e.V. (DVL)
Prof. Dr. Michael Petzet, President of ICOMOS International
Earthen building: A thousand years of building culture

• Christian Manhard, UNESCO, Cultural Division: The UNESCO and the conversation of historic earthen architecture in Iran and Afghanistan

• Azimeh Riahi Dekhordi, architect, Iranian Cultural Heritage Organisation (ICHO), Tehran, Iran: Traditional earthen architecture in Abianeh, Iran

• Hamid Reza Jayhani & Seyed Mohammad Ali Emrani, assistant director & technical director, ICHO, Tehran, Iran: From the spirit of adobe to the inner essence of earthern structures in the Persian architecture

• Natalia Turekulova & Timur Turekulov, architects, Kumbez Ltd, Almaty, Kazakhstan: 3000 year old cities along the Syr-Daria river, Republic of Kazakhstan

• Louise Cooke, archaeologist, Institute of Archaeology, University College, London, UK: Earthen building materials and techniques at Merv, Turkmenistan

• Dr. Ju Liang & Prof. Dr. Katsutada Onitsuka & Peihang Chen & Yuya Oryouji, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Saga University, Japan: Geotechnical investigations on earthen historical remains

• Roderich Seefried, DVL, Lebensraum, Wald-Rothenlachen, D: The Heuneburg an der Donau – the earliest use of adobe bricks north of the Alps

• Ronald Rael, architect, Clemson University, USA: A counter history of modern architecture

• Hossein S. M. Ayatollahi, School of Architecture, Yazd University, Iran: Testing “grounded theories” for measuring the qualitative characteristics of earthen architecture

• Dr. René Herdick, architect, Munich, D: Endangered traditional earthen architecture in Ladakh, India

• Anke Richter, DVL, building engineer, Weimar, D: Conservation of traditional earthen architecture in Southern Morocco

• Anna Paola Conti, architect, Macerata, I: Villa Ficana – an urban quarter in the town of Macerata, Italy

• Richard Rath, student, TU Berlin, D: Earthen building in the former Soviet occupied territories and the former DDR 1945 – 1989

Questions and discussion


As part of the LEHM 2004 the Dachverband Lehm e.V. has organised a reception with banquet on the 29th October at the Moritzbastei, Leipzig University’s historic cultural centre in the city centre.

Saturday, 30.10.2004 9:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.

New earthen building technology in conservation practice and the new projects forum

• Alejandro Alva Balderrama & Cristina Albertini, ICCROM, Architecture and Archeaological Sites unit director & research assistant, Rome, I: ICCROM’s activities on the study and the conservation of earthen architecture

• Dr. Abdulhakiem Bazara, building engineer, Berlin, D and Aden, Yemen: The conservation of earthen buildings in Wadi Hadramaut, Yemen

• Anett Richter, restorer, Berlin, D: Securing earthen building elements in the pyramid complexes in Egypt

• Roberto Orazi & Francesca Colosi, architect & archaeologist, CNR-ITABC, Rome, I: New technologies for the conservation of the Archaeological Park of Chan Chan (Peru)

• Marina Reutova & Prof. Dr. Timur S. Shirinov, head of dept. & director, Institute of Archaeology, Samarkand, Uzbekistan: Adobe building materials in Central Asia – the conservation of archaeological earthen monuments

• Michael Thˆnnes, interior designer, Druwid, Waimes, Belgium: Renovation of historic half-timbered constructions in Belgium using earthen building materials

• Frank Hawemann, DVL, building engineer, Lehmprojekt, Dresden, D: Refurbishing system-built prefab housing using earthen materials

• Dr. Horst Schroeder, DVL, building engineer, Bauhaus-Universitat Weimar, D: New rammed-earth projects in Thuringia, Germany

• Dr. Christof Ziegert, DVL, building engineer, zrs Architekten & Ingenieure, Berlin, D: The conservation and building of monolithic earthen construction

• Dr. Kevan Heathcote & Gregory Moor, Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia: The UTS durability test for earth wall construction. The seismic vulnerability of earthen building constructions

• Dr. Dinu Bumbaru, general secretary, ICOMOS International, Montreal, Canada: The earthquake catastrophe in Bam, Iran, December 2003 – future strategies for a destroyed city made of earth

• Dr. Abdolrasool Vatandoust, Director, Research Center for Conservation of Cultural Relics (RCCCR), Tehran, Iran: The citadel in Bam – an analysis of the earthquake damage from December 2003 and strategies for its reconstruction

• Dr. Jochen Schwarz, Christian Kaufmann, Tobias Langhammer, Bachrom A. Tulaganov, building engineers, Earthquake Institute, Bauhaus-Universitat Weimar, D & Dr. Shamil A. Chakimov, building engineer, UZLITTI Tashkent, Uzbekistan: The seismic vulnerability of traditional building constructions and an assessment of improvement strategies – case studies after the earthquakes in 2000 and 2001 in Kamashi, Republic of Uzbekistan

• Prof. Dr. Kabul S. Abdurashidov, Prof. Dr. Abdukabil Tulaganov, DVL, K. Pirmanov; TASI School of Architecture and Construction, Tashkent, Uzbekistan: An evaluation of the earthquake resistance of traditional earthen building constructions in Central Asia

Questions and discussion

Sunday, 31.10.2004 10 a.m.- 6 p.m.

Field trip I – Modern Building with Earth
Selected examples in and around Dresden


Field trip II – Historic Earthen Building in Saxony
Selected examples in and around Leipzig