Photo of Kit Carson’s adobe home on the Rayado, in Taos, New Mexico c. 1910.
Adobe House In Hollywood
Adobe house where an important treaty between the United States and Mexico was signed. House was (is) located in Hollywood, California. Possibly the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
Dunton Studio
Photo showing famous Taos Artist W. Herbert (Buck) Dunton outside of his home and Studio in the La Loma section of Taos, New Mexico NM. Mr. Dunton is leaning against the adobe wall that is in front of his place.
Deming, NM
Postcard of workers constructing adobe walls in Deming, New Mexico. Cancelled 12-17-1937.
Adobe House Museum
The Adobe House Museum in Hillsboro, Kansas. A typical dwelling erected in 1876 by a Mennonite pioneer families. Seven rooms typically furnished of that period. Walls are mud and straw mixture 18 inches thick. Attached barn contains pieces depicting pioneer and farm practices of that era.