Bahareque (alternatively spelled bareque, also known as quincha)

Casa de pau a pique, or a bahareque house in Brazil.

Bahareque is the Spanish name for what is known in English as wattle and daub, a method of building where wet loam is applied to an interwoven mesh of twigs, branches, bamboo, etc. Specifically, bahareque (also known as quincha) is a subset of the thrown loam technique, where the wet loam is applied by hand onto the organic skeleton. The loam of earth (a combination of clay, silt, and soil) and aggregate, usually straw. Bahareque describes a wide range of building techniques and types, and can be separated out into various local traditions across South America.

Traditional bahareque wall.

Originally combined with palm frond roofs, bahareque was often topped with tiled roofs after European colonization. It can be used in combination with other earthen architecture technologies, as seen in the image below.

Solar do Major Novaes, constructed with adobe on the lower floor and wattle and daub on the upper floor.

Bahareque is currently being explored as a low-cost housing typology. There are questions as to how well it can withstand seismic activity, but it is often proposed as a housing solution for earthquake stricken regions. Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Brazil have all introduced engineered bahareque (or cement bahareque) following devastating earthquakes.

In Ecuador, where the matrix and frame for bahareque architecture is made of guadua bamboo, one of the strongest bamboo subspecies, there is promising contemporary research proving that bahareque is superior to masonry architecture both for earthquake safety and from a sustainability standpoint.

Bahareque houses designed by ARUP and REDES, before the plaster is applied to the bamboo matrix.
Construction documents of bahareque houses designed by ARUP.






Munarq: Ca na Pua an Earthen Oasis



_DSF9091Image Source:  Munarq 

Project Start :  2021
Project End : 2024
Location : Binissalem, Mallorca, Spain.
Team :  Munarq Architects
Gross Floor Area:  300 m²

Ca na Pua is a sustainable earthen home built in Binissalem, Mallorca; an island off the shore of Spain’s Mediterranean Sea. Ca na Pua was designed by munarq, an architectural studio based in Mallorca founded by Rafel Munar and Pau Munar focused on the integration of architecture in the Mediterranean landscape. inclusion of the environment11

To construct this house munarq used an old local Mallorcan technique known as ballast.  During this process, aggregates of various sizes, stone, and lime are mixed together to create a strong base. Then an open diffusion membrane between two ballast to allow for waterproofing. Waterproofing supports the overall longevity of the building while maintaining a healthy indoor environment.










The interior of the house uses a coat of earth and lime that creates hygrothermal environment environment. The earth-lime mixture acts as a natural buffer, absorbing and releasing moisture to maintain a comfortable and stable indoor climate.


The roof is insulated using straw coverage laced between laminated wood beams. This setup creates a dense and well-integrated insulation layer that provides thermal resistance.



There is an interaction with the built environment with the build patio or oasis shared within the home.



Anna Heringer: Earth Campus

The Earth Campus in Tatale, Ghana, is a vocational training center designed to promote sustainable development through education and practical skill-building in one of Ghana’s rural regions, close to the Togo border. The project focuses on providing young people with the skills needed to support their families and counteract rural exodus. It is operated by the Salesians with the Don Bosco mission, which aims to empower the local community through sustainable techniques and education.


The campus offers training in sustainable construction methods such as adobe masonry, rammed earth, and timber structures. It also includes programs in agriculture, electrical training, domestic economy, and nutrition, giving students a broad range of skills. The campus is designed to incorporate local building traditions while teaching modern adaptations of these methods, blending vernacular architecture with contemporary sustainable techniques.

Tatale Campus, GhanaTatale Campus, Ghana

The use of local, natural materials such as earth plays a crucial role in reducing environmental impact while creating economic opportunities for the community. The project also uses natural ventilation strategies, ensuring comfort in the hot and humid climate of the region. The overall goal is to make the campus a model for how development projects can foster both environmental sustainability and social empowerment by maximizing local resources.

Tatale Campus, Ghana

Through its design, the Earth Campus serves as an example of how architecture can be a tool for development. It challenges the conventional approach of using industrialized, imported materials in aid projects and demonstrates the benefits of building with locally available resources. This ensures that the added value remains within the community, fostering long-term sustainability and cultural preservation.

About the architect:

Anna Heringer is a renowned architect from Germany. She studied at the University of Art and Industrial Design Linz in Austria, focusing on sustainable architecture using local materials and techniques. Her work is rooted in creating environmentally and socially responsible architecture.

Heringer’s philosophy centers on sustainability and empowering communities through architecture. She emphasizes the use of natural, local materials, aiming to create socially and ecologically responsible structures. Her projects often focus on education, community development, and uplifting marginalized regions, particularly through vocational training and local engagement.

Anna Heringer runs her architectural practice, Studio Anna Heringer, with projects across the globe, including in Bangladesh, Ghana, and Europe. Her designs are grounded in cultural sensitivity and sustainable practices that challenge conventional construction norms.







TOVA is the first architectural construction in Spain located in the facilities of IAAC Valldaura Labs, Barcelona, built with a Crane WASP, the architectural 3D printer. The project was completed in 2022. The construction can be completed within weeks using 100% local materials and local labor, zero waste and a close to virtually zero carbon emission footprint. This manufacturing system can be used anywhere in the world and can help to housing emergencies. The project has been developed by the team of students and researchers from the 3D Printing Architecture (3dPA) postgraduate program of the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC).

Also, this project is one of the most sustainable and environmentally friendly construction forms that can be applied today. The construction took 7 weeks time to complete, a Crane WASP, the architectural 3D printer and km zero materials. The structure is made ofclay and water obtained on site. To ensure the longevity of the material in resistance to weather, a waterproof coating is added using raw extracted materials such as aloe and egg whites.

Thebuild area is 9 m2. The prototype took into account performative design strategies, conceived during a two-week design charette where students synthesized the lessons learned in the research phase to develop the components of the prototype: light openings, air flow, wall cavity ventilation, thermal conductivity, roof structure, built-in furniture, waterproofing and floor substructure.

The proposed design has different structural considerations in the roof beam system as well as the innate structure of the clay walls. The walls are designed to be braced with T and L joints, rather than straight lines. The resulting closed interior space is habitable, weather resistant and climatically adapted by the various design interventions.



Anna Heringer: DESI Training Center

DESI Training Center, Rudrapur, Bangladesh

Built in 2008 in a small village called Rudrapur in Northern Bangladesh, the DESI (Dipshikha Electrical Skill Improvement) Training Center is a vocational school for electrical training. At the age of 19, the architect of this project, Anna Heringer, lived in Bangladesh for a year working with the NGO Dipshika on sustainable development. She quickly learned from her time in Bangladesh that the most successful development strategy is to “trust in existing, readily available resources and to make the best out of it instead of getting depended on external systems.”

The DESI Training Center uses traditional Bangladeshi homestead plans as basis for interrogation. As in many Central/South Asian home plans, the traditional Bangladeshi home consists of multiple structures possessing different programs situated around a central inner courtyard. The DESI building attempts to bring all of these different programs under one structure, while still utilizing traditional building methods.

DESI Training Center plan

The buildings main structure comprises of wattle & daub techniques utilizing thick bamboo as a lattice frame work to capture and give form to the piled earth added by hand.

Wattle & daub construction
Build process

In the image above, notice the circular mounds of excavated earth in the foreground. It is beautiful to realize the connection between construction and construction site sharing the same environment and materials simultaneously in an act of reciprocity.

Cattle power

Although a school for electrical training, most of the labor and energy placed into the build were still based on analog and traditional technologies. Here cattle are used to mix the soil that is to be used for the daub, engaging local workers and craftsmen in the process of the entire project.

Solar panel installation

It is interesting to witness an environment that was built to serve technology, in this case electrical technology, not take the form of its inherent use. A college campus may design and build an “engineering” building to feel like “engineering”, to feel technologically modern and well equipped for the learning that will occur within its walls, however the DESI Training Center shows us how these ideas and typologies can sometimes misinform the design process, and ultimately the design problem at hand.

The entire building is hooked up to solar panels for power, producing  100% of the building’s energy needs. The heating system is based on solar thermal technologies, and solar power also powers the pump for accessing water from the onsite well. This also perhaps (reference needs to be checked) the first time modern sanitary unties + septic tanks have been integrated into an earthen structure in Bangladesh.

DESI Training Center

The DESI building houses two classrooms, two offices, and two residences for the school instructors. There is a separate bathroom with two showers and two toilets for the teachers and a bathroom facility with toilets and sinks on the ground floor for the students. [source] Bearing no loss in traditional culture, material, or forms of making, this building embodies the possibilities of a modern earthen architecture applied to a specific set of requirements, needs, and programs. The DESI Training Center acts as model to realize the full potential an earthen architecture can deliver humans in the modern age, without having to compromise many facets of modernity that are considered incompatible with earth.

Plan and section as embroidery

Size: 300m2

Location: Rudrapur, Dinajpur district, Bangladesh

Year: 2008

Photos: Team Rudrapur, B.K.S Inan,

Architects: Anna Heringer






Reviving Al Nazlah Center: Oriental Group Architects + Hamdy El-Setouhy


The Al-Nazlah Center is a project designed by Oriental Group Architects in collaboration with Hamdy El-Setouhy to revitalize the Al-Nazlah area in Fayoum, Egypt.


Where is Al-Nazlah in Fayoum ?

Fayoum is a region, located about 100 kilometers (62 miles) southwest of Cairo. It is situated in a natural depression within the Western Desert of Egypt and is connected to the Nile River through the Bahr Yussef canal, which makes the area fertile and suitable for agriculture.

Fayoum is known for its rich history and archaeological significance important region during ancient Egyptian times and later under Roman and Islamic rule. The area is home to several important historical sites, including:

-Lake Qarun, one of the oldest lakes in the world.

-Wadi El Rayan, a nature reserve with waterfalls and wildlife.

-The Fayoum Oasis, known for its ancient temples and ruins, such as the Temple of Sobek, the crocodile god.

Fayoum is also recognized for its traditional pottery-making, a craft that has been passed down through generations, especially in villages like Al-Nazlah, making it a cultural hub for Egyptian artisans.

Who is Hamdy El Setouhy?

Hamdy El-Setouhy is an Egyptian architect known for his work in sustainable and community-focused architecture. He emphasizes designs that integrate local culture, materials, and traditional building techniques while addressing contemporary challenges such as environmental sustainability and community development.

El-Setouhy has gained recognition for projects that aim to improve the quality of life in local communities through thoughtful and contextually appropriate architecture. His work often centers on promoting traditional craftsmanship and supporting local economies by incorporating artisanal skills into his designs. This is evident in projects like the Al-Nazlah Center, where he collaborates with artisans to create a space that celebrates local pottery-making traditions while also serving broader social and cultural functions.

What was the design approach of the project?

The architectural approach blends contemporary design with vernacular architecture. It utilizes local building materials and techniques, helping the structure harmonize with its environment. This approach also reduces the ecological footprint of the building by minimizing resource-intensive imports.

The renowned district is home to pottery workshops that have been crafting unique pots used in construction since the time of Ancient Egyptian Civilization. To preserve this traditional technique, modern advancements in construction were made, enhancing the bonding materials by adhering the pots together through lab-tested methods. Additionally, new forms of roofing construction were introduced, allowing the local community to expand their architectural possibilities by using pots to build domes and vaults, enabling wider spans.

How does it work?

The innovative use of the traditional pot as a construction material. Each pot has a 25 cm diameter, a clay thickness of 7 mm, and a hollow interior. By interlocking the pots, a continuous arch is formed, creating a strong load-bearing structure. The repetition and variation of these elements result in diverse spatial configurations and unique roofing designs. The project’s environmental sustainability is highlighted by its zero-waste construction process. Visitors experience an eco-friendly climate within the building, where internal temperatures remain comfortable and in harmony with the surrounding environment.

The geometrical patterns used in the roof construction allow diffused sunlight to enter the space, significantly reducing interior temperatures. This design strategy minimizes heat transfer compared to conventional reinforced concrete and mud brick methods. The project has revitalized a heritage craft by preserving a nearly extinct construction technique, incorporating it into a contemporary architectural expression. It invites visitors to explore aesthetic and spatial innovations while honoring the cultural legacy of the region.

The Al-Nazlah Center stands as a testament to how architecture can play a crucial role in not only the built environment but also in uplifting and preserving cultural traditions.

Recognition and Awards:

The project has been awarded the second prize of the Baku International Architecture Award) in 2019, Category A, with the support of the UIA (Union of International Architects) for creating a sustainable environmental development nucleus that has many positive impacts on the whole region.

The project was nominated to receive the Aga-Khan Award in the last cycle of 2022. Also, it was shortlisted for the Arab Association Award for the last cycle of 2022. Several media coverages and academic field trips have drifted local and international attention to the village to explore the project’s potential.

Wattle and Daub in the UK

Wattle and daub is a traditional building technique that has been used in the UK for centuries, dating back to prehistoric times and continuing well into the 20th century. This method was particularly common in medieval timber-framed buildings and remains an important part of Britain’s architectural heritage.

Construction Method

Wattle and daub consists of two main components:

  1. Wattle: A lattice of wooden strips or branches (often hazel) woven between upright poles. This forms the structural framework for the wall.
  2. Daub: A mixture of wet materials applied to the wattle. The daub typically consists of:
    • Binders: Clay, lime, or chalk dust
    • Aggregates: Earth, sand, or crushed stone
    • Reinforcement: Straw, hair, or other fibrous materials

The daub is applied in stages, first as balls pressed into the wattle from both sides, then allowed to dry before being scratched and covered with a lime plaster. Finally, the wall is often whitewashed for additional protection.


Wattle and daub offers several benefits:

  1. Strong yet flexible, accommodating structural movement
  2. Good insulation properties
  3. Effective moisture management
  4. Durable when properly maintained

Historical Significance

Archaeological evidence of wattle and daub has been found in various locations across the UK, often associated with medieval manors and other important sites. In England, remains of Iron Age circular dwellings constructed using this method have been discovered.

Conservation and Modern Use

Many historic buildings in the UK still feature original wattle and daub panels, some up to 700 years old. Conservation efforts focus on preserving these panels, with repairs carried out using traditional techniques. Some heritage organizations, like the Weald & Downland Living Museum, offer courses in wattle and daub construction and repair.

In recent years, there has been renewed interest in wattle and daub as a sustainable building method for new timber-framed structures, due to its use of local, natural materials and low environmental impact.

Wattle and daub remains an important part of the UK’s architectural heritage, showcasing traditional craftsmanship and sustainable building practices that continue to be relevant today.



WASP: Gaia

WASP (World’s Advanced Savings Project) has pioneered an innovative approach to sustainable architecture with their 3D-printed house called Gaia. This eco-friendly structure represents a significant advancement in sustainable construction and showcases the potential of using natural, locally-sourced materials in 3D printing technology.

Demonstration Video

First Layer Video

Materials and Composition

Gaia is built primarily using a mixture of:

  1. 25% local soil (30% clay, 40% silt, 30% sand)
  2. 40% chopped rice straw
  3. 25% rice husk
  4. 10% hydraulic lime

This composition utilizes natural waste materials from rice production, making it an environmentally conscious choice.

Construction Process

The house was 3D printed using the Crane WASP, a specialized 3D printer designed for on-site construction. The printing process took approximately 100 hours to complete 30 square meters of wall with a thickness of 40 cm.

Design and Performance

Gaia incorporates:

  1. Natural ventilation systems
  2. Thermo-acoustic insulation
  3. Bioclimatic efficiency

The structure maintains a comfortable temperature year-round without the need for heating or air conditioning systems, showcasing its energy efficiency.

Environmental Impact and Cost

Gaia demonstrates remarkable sustainability:

  1. Near-zero environmental impact
  2. Total material cost for the walls: €900
  3. Biodegradable construction materials
  4. Minimal carbon footprint

Significance and Future Implications

WASP’s Gaia project represents a significant step towards addressing global housing needs sustainably. By utilizing local materials and advanced 3D printing technology, this approach offers:

  1. A potential solution for rapid, low-cost housing construction
  2. Reduced environmental impact compared to traditional building methods
  3. Adaptability to various geographical locations and climates

The success of Gaia has led to further developments, such as the TECLA project, which aims to create even more sustainable and scalable housing solutions.

WASP’s Gaia project demonstrates the viability of combining an ancient building practice and material (earth) with modern 3D printing technology, and might demonstrate one way to create sustainable, efficient, and cost-effective housing.



Marcelo Cortes: Quincha and Teknobarro

Image Source: Marcelo Cortés

Chilean architect Marcelo Cortés is known for his construction technique called quincha metálica, that combines a steel frame and welded wire mesh with a mud mixture Cortés calls tecno-barro.

Image Source: No Tech Magazine

This construction method reimagines the wattle and daub building method known as quincha, a traditional technology that has existed in South America for at least 8,000 years.

Traditionally, a quincha structure is constructed by creating a framework, or wattle, of interwoven pieces of wood, cane, or bamboo. This matrix of vertical and horizontal members is then covered on both sides with a mixture of mud and straw, or daub, and finished with a thin lime plaster to create a weathertight building envelope in the form of wall or ceiling panels. The system results in a lightweight flexible structure that is inherently earthquake resistant.

Image Source: Marcelo Cortés

Cortés was inspired by the way that historic homes in the center of Santiago were constructed, which used metal wire to hold mud bricks within a wooden frame in place during earthquakes.

Image Source: Marcelo Cortés

In Cortés’s construction process, a framework of steel and welded wire mesh are erected into a framework and the steel is coated with an asphalt emulsion to prevent corrosion. He then applies a mud mixture he refers to as tecno-barro, that is stabilized with lime to reduce the volumetric expansion of clay and increase water impermeability. This technique allows him to create volumetric forms that have not been historically found in earthen construction

One example of the quincha metálica and tecno-barro technique can be found in the Peñalolén House, on the outskirts of Santiago, in a place called Peñalolén, Chile.

The Peñalolén House is a private residence that reinterprets traditional Chilean central valley architecture. It is approximately 1,075 square feet and designed to blend in with the environment and maximize the views of the Andes Mountains.

The home has canted walls to protect against solar gain and wind-driven rain. Its steel frame provides flexibility and earthquake resistance, while the thin mud skin remains lightweight.

This is one of many examples Cortés has been able to produce using this construction method.

Image Source: Marcelo Cortés
Image Source: Marcelo Cortés
Image Source: Marcelo Cortés

Marcelo Cortés is a renowned Chilean architect, constructor, and earth researcher. He graduated from the University of Chile and has since become a pioneering figure in contemporary earth architecture. Cortes holds the UNESCO Chair in earth architecture, constructive cultures, and sustainable habitat, reflecting his expertise and contributions to the field.

His innovative work in earthquake-resistant earth construction techniques has earned him international recognition. In 2016, Cortes received a tribute at TerraWorld as a world pioneer of contemporary earth architecture. The College of Architects of Chile awarded him the Fermín Vivaceta Rupio Award for his technological applications in architecture.

Cortes is also the founder of the ARCOT Network, which unites nine public and regional universities in Chile to establish an earth architecture chair. His research and practical innovations in reinforced earth techniques for seismic regions have been the subject of a doctoral thesis by Favio Gatti at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, completed in 2023.


  1. Rael, Ron. Earth Architecture. Princeton Architectural Press, 2006.
  2. “Quincha.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation,
  3. “Marcelo Cortés arquitecto. El desafío sísmico de las técnicas con tierra armada.” UPC Commons

METI Handmade School – Anna Herringer

Location: Dinajpur, Bangladesh
Year: 2006
​Architect:  Anna Heringer

Anna Heringer’s METI Handmade School in Bangladesh exemplifies an innovative approach to sustainable architecture, rooted in local materials and traditional building techniques. The school was designed to serve as a community hub for education, demonstrating how effective construction methods can enhance both functionality and environmental stewardship.

The foundation of the building rests on a 50 cm deep brick masonry base, finished with a cement plaster facing. In Bangladesh, bricks are the primary building material, produced from the region’s abundant clayey alluvial sand, as natural stone is scarce. These bricks are fired in open circular kilns using imported coal, resulting in a durable and locally sourced construction element.

Facade Photo,  Source

Cob Walling Technique, Source

An essential addition to local earthen building practices is the damp proof course, consisting of a double layer of locally available polyethylene film. This innovation protects the structure from moisture, enhancing its longevity. The ground floor features load-bearing walls constructed using a technique akin to cob walling. A mixture of straw and earth, with minimal straw content, is prepared with the help of local livestock and applied in layers atop the foundation. Each layer is heaped to a height of 65 cm and then trimmed after a few days to maintain uniformity. After allowing for a drying period, successive layers are added, integrating door and window lintels along with a ring beam made of thick bamboo canes.


Section, Source

The ceiling of the ground floor employs a triple layer of bamboo canes, with the central layer arranged perpendicularly to provide lateral stabilization. This layer is topped with split bamboo planking and filled with the earthen mixture, mirroring techniques used in European timber-frame constructions.

For the upper storey, a frame construction is utilized, comprising four-layer bamboo beams and vertical and diagonal members arranged at right angles. This design enhances the structural integrity of the building, with the frames at the ends stiffening the overall structure. Additional structural members connect the beams, and wind bracing is incorporated on the upper surface to further strengthen the frame. Supporting the corrugated iron roof are a series of bamboo rafters, which are adjusted in height for optimal runoff, topped with timber paneling.

Through its innovative design and construction techniques, the METI Handmade School not only provides an educational facility but also serves as a model for sustainable building practices. It engages the community, preserves traditional craftsmanship, and utilizes local resources effectively, making it a beacon of environmental and social responsibility in architecture.
