Adobe Alliance Seeks Intern

The Adobe Alliance, a Texas based non-profit organization whose aims include to apply cooperative building techniques in earth architecture is seeking a resident intern to work in Santa Fe, New Mexico or from a distance. Responsibilities will include research, image scanning, simple bookkeeping, assisting with workshop organization, website maintenance, and telephone management. The ideal person is a graduate student in architecture, art/art history, public policy or related fields. To learn more, please contact Ms. Simone Swan at or visit

Earth Building

Earth Building by Lawrence Keefe exlains, in fairly simple terms, the engineering properties of earth as a construction material. It describes, evaluates and compares the various methods earth construction and explains the failure mechanisms of mass earth walls and how to identify building defects. It also discusses, in some detail, how mass earth construction can achieve compliance with current building regulations and illustrates appropriate repair methods based upon case studies of actual building failures and major structural repairs. Professionals such as architects, builders, surveyors and conservation officers should find this a good reference. It is also a methodically presented text for students and an authoritative guide for self-builders.

Building With Earth

Building with Earth by John Norton provides practical help in choosing whether and how to build with earth, from soil selection through to construction and maintenance. The techniques described in the second edition – revised and updated – of this book have a focus on achieving good quality results with accessible methods, that can go on being used by rich and poor, and for simple buildings as well as the more sophisticated.

Mud Brick Industry In India

Approximately 58% of all buildings in India are mud brick and a growing construction boom in India, coupled the inability for peasants to support themselves by farming is luring residents from the country side into the brick making business. However, hand made mud bricks are now often dried and fired in inefficient coal fueled kilns that make the work dangerous and pollute the environment consuming 200 tons of coal for every million bricks they produce. NY Times

Photo by J. Adam Huggins for The New York Times