LEHM 2004 Conference on Building with Earth

In response to the earthquake catastrophe in Bam, Iran, and to reflect the participation of colleagues from Iran, a fifth theme will be added to the conference proceedings: “Earthquake resistant construction with earthen building materials”. The deadline for submissions for papers has been extended until the 15th February 2004. The Dachverband Lehm would like to give Iranian experts the opportunity for professional dialogue with international colleagues.

HABITAR A TERRA: A Arte de Construir em Terra Crua



Sponsored by an initiative of the cultural service of the embassy of France and Centro da Terra, is the lecture, HABITAR A TERRA: A Arte de Construir em Terra Crua (To Inhabit The Earth: The Art of Building with Earth) by Jean Dethier. The conference will be held on two separate dates and locations, Porto, Portugal January 17 and Lisbon, Portugal on January 19. Dethier has been investigating this topic for more than 60 years, having being associated the initiatives that have led to resurgences of this building tradition in industrialized countries. The subject of the lecture framed by a traditional perspective, archaeology, modernity and the future of earth architecture, which will include the publication of a book, as well as films for television, and an exhibition on the subject for 2005 that will offer an opportunity to learn about the buildings, cities and cultures that had used this material since the antiquity.

Call for Papers: LEHM 2004 Conference on Building with Earth

The LEHM 2004 is the 4th international conference and trade fair for building with earth and will be held at the famous Leipziger Messe in Leipzig, Germany, October 27-30th, 2004. The conference will coincide with the denkmal 2004, one of the largest trade fairs worldwide for reconstruction and conservation. The previous denkmal 2002 attracted more than 18,000 visitors from 35 countries with more than 400 exhibitors from 15 countries.

In Germany as in many other parts of the world, earth is used as a building material in conservation work. The LEHM 2004 conference will focus on “Earth in Building Conservation”. The Dachverband Lehm e.V. extends an open invitation to all interested professional colleagues to submit thematic relevant contributions and papers for the LEHM 2004 conference as well as for a poster session which will be exhibited parallel to the conference. The theme of the conference programme will include the following subject areas:

– Earthen building: a thousand years of building culture
– UNESCO world heritage – building with earth
– New earthen building technology in conservation practice
– New projects forum (as a permanent conference feature)

Candidates wishing to present a paper or poster at the conference are requested to submit a short overview (abstract) of not more than 500 words. Submissions can be in German or English. More details, submission information and deadlines are available from: www.dachverband-lehm.de/lehm2004

Flagship Class

The flagship class at Northern New Mexico Community College, taught by Quentin Wilson, will be April 28 to May 9 in El Rito, NM. The class is Arches, Domes and Vaults, ADOB 112 and tuition is $54 plus $30 for fees and administrative items. Possible lecturers are Simone Swan and Greg Seelhorst who has 9 years experience in Africa and association with John Norton’s Woodless Construction. For more information visit the Quentin Wilson Website.

Modern Earth Building 2003

The Modern Earth Building 2003 conference and exhibition will be held October 24 to 26, 2003 in Berlin, Germany. The conference will be present a wealth of experiences gained in earth building in various countries as well as lectures by renowned speakers discussing current issues in earth building